a floridays journey

a floridays journey

Riding in the Slow Lane

Wayne and I are throttling down and taking Time to Look Around.

The last day of work for both of us was Dec 31, 2024. WooHoo!! Some people never want to retire, Wayne and I could not wait. Both of us have worked since we were teenagers with paper routes and babysitting. I am not going to lie, it is a little scary but we are excited for this next chapter.

There is no BIG trip planned (yet) to celebrate retirement. We do have a few places we are thinking about. We did plan a trip to visit some of the Florida State Parks we have been unable to get into or unable to visit on a weekend. To start we just cruised down HWY 1 in the slow lane to the Florida Keys.

A few days before leaving we decided to take the Jeep so there would be more room in Floridays, easier way to transport the kayaks, and to allow us to drive around easier and check out various areas. I am glad we made this descision as the Jeep was driven over 1,500 more miles than the van. We went places that we would not of felt comfortable taking the van due to narrow streets or dirt roads.

At the end we camped for 47 nights at 8 state parks, 2 national parks, 1 county park, and 2 private parks. Took 1.2TB of photos and video, kayaked 83.51 miles, rode our bikes 120 miles, and walked and hiked some. To say we have been more active in retirement is an understatement. It sure beats sitting behind a desk.

The recaps of the parks are coming in the next few weeks. We did not have bandwidth to upload to the site during our trip plus we just wanted to enjoy the time together in nature and not have to worry about posting.

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